I knew once I got there that I would be OK. Where was I going? The YMCA at 5 a.m. on the first day of school. Early morning is the only time I can count on without interruption (with the exception of our northwest Ohio winter storms which start the calamity day cell phone conversations before 5:30 a.m. and certainly before 5:45 a.m.).
What does 4.0 or 4.5 have to do with it? You guessed it--mph on the treadmill. I knew 4.0 would be comfortable, and that thought got me out of bed and driving across town to the Y in the dark. I would just take it easy, I told myself. It was appealing. I could do that. No sweat! (Pun intended).
But once I got there, I couldn't do "comfortable". I had to push myself--and I knew I would. I started at 4.0, but rapidly keyed in 4.5 and then went 4.6 because "it's only another .1". My entire run was 4.6 - 4.8, and I arrived at school energized for the first day of classes. The next Monday morning I was back at the YMCA at 5 a.m. and logged 3 miles at a minimum of 4.8, with intervals of 1-2 minutes at 5.2 and 5.5.
And do you know what? I could do it! I felt good BECAUSE I pushed myself to do more than I thought I could ( and more than I felt like doing). I hope all of our students this year will push themselves to do more than they think they can. Everyone should have a feeling of success from meeting a personal goal. And I hope our students keep pushing throughout their careers. And tomorrow morning I will again say to myself, "Once you get there, you will be OK." Today Matters. Don't let it get away from you.