

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Constitution Day Recognized by Student Video Project

It's another great day to be at school! One of our social studies teachers, Mr. Tony Unverferth, sent this student's Constitution Day video out to staff today. The video will be shown both in the morning before school and during lunch periods on Sept. 17, while students are in our commons/cafeteria area. Marcy Shoppell, a Culinary Arts student at Vantage, is from Lincolnview Local Schools, and is a senior this year. Great work, Marcy! It's a great five-minute summary of our nation's Constitution and its origin.

Today Matters! Give it all you've got!
PS:  I did this WITHOUT technical assistance!  LOL

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

4.0 or 4.5?

I knew once I got there that I would be OK. Where was I going? The YMCA at 5 a.m. on the first day of school. Early morning is the only time I can count on without interruption (with the exception of our northwest Ohio winter storms which start the calamity day cell phone conversations before 5:30 a.m. and certainly before 5:45 a.m.).

What does 4.0 or 4.5 have to do with it? You guessed it--mph on the treadmill. I knew 4.0 would be comfortable, and that thought got me out of bed and driving across town to the Y in the dark. I would just take it easy, I told myself. It was appealing. I could do that. No sweat! (Pun intended).

But once I got there, I couldn't do "comfortable". I had to push myself--and I knew I would. I started at 4.0, but rapidly keyed in 4.5 and then went 4.6 because "it's only another .1". My entire run was 4.6 - 4.8, and I arrived at school energized for the first day of classes. The next Monday morning I was back at the YMCA at 5 a.m. and logged 3 miles at a minimum of 4.8, with intervals of 1-2 minutes at 5.2 and 5.5.

And do you know what? I could do it! I felt good BECAUSE I pushed myself to do more than I thought I could ( and more than I felt like doing). I hope all of our students this year will push themselves to do more than they think they can. Everyone should have a feeling of success from meeting a personal goal. And I hope our students keep pushing throughout their careers. And tomorrow morning I will again say to myself, "Once you get there, you will be OK." Today Matters. Don't let it get away from you.