What a quiet building it is when all the students and staff are home on the holiday break. Given the weather predictions for this weekend, it is unlikely school will start on time on Monday, if at all.
I have had much difficulty since we changed to "all things Google" with signing into my blog--I have seriously tried to write several times since my last post, but couldn't access it. Thanks to a quiet day and being caught up in most other work, I finally asked for technical assistance! Problem solved--Thank you, Luke Compton!
Luke joined the staff last July when Eric Vennekotter left to accept a promotion with the Pandora-Gilboa school district. Luke has hit the ground running at Vantage. I am glad he had some time to help.
In past weeks we honored our new student inductees to the National Technical Honor Society. Every associate school had at least one staff member present. It was a great evening with students and their parents. Now we are gearing up for the annual Open House/BBQ Dinner on February 10. For many years, this has been a VTO scholarship funraiser, and for the past few years, a Citizens For Vantage levy campaign fundraiser. In 2014 all dinner ticket proceeds will go to assist with student events and activities at Vantage. Staff members are asked to purchase or sell 5 dinner tickets, and many of us are seeking sponsorship donations from area businesses. The challenge is on to see who can get the most sponsors!
Since it's January 3, are you making resolutions for the new year? I have made a few, primarily for achieving better health and connecting more (even if it's electronically) with my sisters. Without boring you with my new health regimen, I will say that I have already tried several new foods and committed for the past 2 weeks to a new exercise regimen which suits both me and my schedule. BTW: Kale and almond milk are not as bad as I thought. The best time is now--Today Matters!