

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Time slips away. . .It's October!

Perhaps I should share my blog posts on Google+, to give me added pressure to blog regularly. The feature notifies my contacts that I added a new post. It may push me to 'micro-blogging' --yes, it's just what it sounds like--very short blogs! (Not sure I can do that . . .) I should at least start a new routine and blog first thing in the morning, (and not log into email), which jumpstarts the day in other directions!

September's gone, but I love October. The colors of fall are beautiful already and it promises to be a terrific season. Much of our activity at school is seasonal, too--particular student activities and topics in each curricular area definitely fall into a routine or sequence of instruction.

Another seasonal activity at Vantage is our annual advisory banquet and committee meetings. This event was held last week, and area employers, former students, and fellow teachers met in many training areas. Vantage values the input received at this meeting--curriculum and equipment, and teaching methods and resources are areas where we must have current information. Because we are an entry-level job training school, it will always be important that we meet the needs of employers. We must teach current aspects of each trade and know the expectations our students have to meet in their career fields. Through advisory committees, we also build relationships.

Our teachers are the most important link in this area. A successful advisory committee is built by a teacher who is connected with area employers continuously. A good meeting focuses on gaining insight from the employers and colleagues present, reviewing curriculum issues, and sharing current student accomplishments and community connections. To keep current, at least one new member should rotate into the group, annually to ensure a diverse perspective.

Vantage has some great advisory committees, which help convey our school's image of teaching quality workforce skills. We also have some work to do to bolster some committees and involve new employers. If you are interested in serving on an advisory committee, contact Vantage and find out how you can help. We are willing to change our "routine" for this important event to better accommodate employers.