

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011

The past few weeks continue to be a whirl of activity as we approach the end of the school year! Vantage has several vacancies to fill for instructional positions for 2011-12 and the interview process required only adds to the end-of-year "frenzy".

Recent events which I have had the pleasure to attend in the district are the R. K. Thompson Self-Reliance Awards banquet, the Parkway FFA banquet,and the Paulding County Area Foundation banquet. I was also able to join four Vantage students for lunch at the Ohio Career and Technical Education Legislative luncheon in Columbus a few weeks ago. The students enjoyed the company of Senator Cliff Hite during lunch, and he even signed autographs for our students. Social studies instructor Tony Unverferth and public relations coordinator MaryJo Wilhelm accompanied the students that day and agreed the day was a tremendous success!

The construction project is on schedule, even with the rain! While we are all getting tired of getting drenched as we go about our daily tasks, a bright spot is being able to drive past the new bus barn and early sitework every day and know that our building will soon be much improved!

Plan to join us for the 35th Anniversary and Groundbreaking Ceremony on Sunday, May 15, 1-3 p.m.!