It's another beautiful spring day and one can sense the students' excitement about the school year drawing to a close. Perceptive staff members are also aware of how much Vantage means to several of our students; many students have expressed how much they will miss spending their days here with teachers and friends.
The R. K. Thompson Self-Reliance Awards banquet was held here this past week. It was the 40th awards program and it was noted that Mr. Jim Robey was in the crowd yet again. He has attended every one of the 40 R. K. Thompson awards dinners. Vantage was particularly proud to have four student nominees in the ten students honored on April 20. Both top award winners are Vantage students: Isabelle LeFever, Health Careers and Clint Myers, Industrial Mechanics. Vantage students also represented in the top 10 awards were Avery Etzler, Early Childhood Education, and Blaise May, Welding. Vantage is so proud of each of these students--as are their family members and our area's educators and community members who made it a priority to attend this event. It is an evening that validates the hard work, self-discipline, and perseverance exhibited by those who choose to succeed.
Vantage Adult Education staff have been involved in preparing for the North Central Accreditation Review, which is conducted every five years. The NCA team held their exit interview with the administrative and adult education staff this morning. More detail will be noted in a future blog, once copies of the final summary are available. For now, we were glad to note that one standard is rated as "highly functional"--clear vision and mission and strong communication of mission and vision internally as well as to the surrounding community. Vantage has particularly strong community awareness in both the secondary and adult programs, and we are glad the NCA team recognized this facet of the Vantage adult education program.