

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 12, 2010

It's time to get the "transition wardrobe" out of the closet and pack away winter items. I am gearing up to adjust to the time change "spring forward" this weekend--losing that hour affects me more and more with every year that goes by! Good luck adjusting, everyone!

This week's blog content shares Vantage Career Center's adult education information. Adult Director Pete Prichard and staff compiled extensive information in response to Governor Strickland's request for career center operation information a few weeks ago. Here is a brief summary of the information submitted.

Vantage Career Center's adult education department serves individuals residing in Ohio's counties of Van Wert, Paulding, Mercer, Putnam, and Allen; we also serve some clientele in Indiana. Nearly 90 percent of the adult student population comes from the lower economic strata seeking quick hands-on training with industry credentialing which can put them back in the workforce.

Number of adult education students served: (head count) 1,180 adults took short-term and full-time programs in fiscal year 2008.

Adult student enrollment growth since last school year: (head count) 246. FY 2009 headcount was 1416 adults trained.

Adult student enrollment growth (percentage): 21 percent increase

Number of full-time adult programs: 3 at present time. 3 additional full-time programs are in the planning process.

Adult education student completion rate: 90 percent complete full-time programs.

Number of adult part-time programs: 59

Adult Education student completion rate for part-time programs: 92 percent

Percent of adults served who earned industry credential or certificate: 24 programs offer industry credential. 80 percent of students received industry credentialing via these programs.

Post-secondary partners: Northwest State Community College and Wright State University Lake Campus partnered with Vantage to provide college presence in the Van Wert community. General education credits available through Wright State are English, political science, history, science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, chemistry, biology, and economics. Up to two years of general credit can be earned. CT2 will make available college credit to students who choose further education from five of Vantage's programs. Northwest State provides degreed nursing training in partnership with Vantage and Wright State.