

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Things are shaping up and loose ends are coming together as we prepare for the next school year. Have been thinking how grateful I am for the talented staff I work with at Vantage. Tough issues are solved, new ideas are encouraged and often come to fruition, and there is always evidence of staff members "going the extra mile" for the sake of Vantage. It is a good feeling to be surrounded by an incredible staff on a daily basis!

Administrative work, such as finding a new CTE teacher, is always fulfilling, but can be a stressor. While increasingly difficult to fill several of these positions as the years go by, it continues to inspire me when our administrative team is able to persuade (yes, persuade) Route B or alternative teacher licensure pathway candidates, to try teaching their trade to high school students. The search is sometimes long and takes many curves, but there is no better feeling than seeing a new CTE teacher grow and develop his/her teaching skills. It is not an easy adjustment for these skilled workers to enter the teaching profession.

The best satisfaction is in knowing that young people have been prepared to enter the workforce and earn a living for themselves.

As always, Today Matters.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Finally! A Blog Update!

Summer at Vantage is filled with tasks to get ready for the new school year. We are currently trying to fill our Agriculture instructor position at Paulding High School, where we operate the satellite ag program. OSU's class of ag graduates is slim this year, and may be a sign of the times. The food science industry is booming and may be drawing some ag graduate to enter industry vs. teaching. Family and Consumer Science instructors have been on the decline as well, with only a few of our universities turning out FCS graduates with teaching licensure. Hopefully the small graduating class adding to the shortage of ag candidates is an aberration this year for OSU.

My last blog or two included a bit about a new diet and exercise plan to control my cholesterol levels--I am pleased to announce that 7 months of discipline and hard work resulted in cutting my "bad" cholesterol by half, and reduced the total number by over 60 pts. The best thing though, is healthier habits have been formed! (However, I wouldn't turn down a cookie right now.)