

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vantage at the county fair!

August 28, 2013--It's my favorite time of year again--the approach to autumn starts with the county fair in Van Wert. Vantage participates annually with a booth and school information. The most popular brochures remain our Adult Education course listings. I enjoy helping visitors learn who to contact and what may be viable program options for them to consider. (I also LOVE our location, right next to Carolyn Pruden's cake decorating booth)!

In case you are wondering, no, I don't review what I wrote the year before at this time. But if I did, it wouldn't surprise me to see that I wrote about the fair last year too! My family was a 4-H family and my siblings and I practically lived at the Defiance county fair. I recently had the privilege of visiting Hicksville for the Defiance county fair with my kids and grandson just last week. The evening went by way too fast!

Looks like I will be at the fair in less than 2 hours--I had better wrap up and make Today Matter!

Monday, August 19, 2013

It's Back to School Time!

August 19--Back to School!

We're all back! After taking a summer hiatus from blogging, I will continue my weekly (and perhaps, daily) blog about Vantage Career Center. Today our staff returned for the annual teacher work day, followed by our new junior class coming tomorrow for the first day of school. Seniors come to Vantage again on Wednesday, and our year will be in full swing.

As a district, we look forward to the release of our new CTE district report card later this week. It will provide information for us to target and strategize improvement. It also tells us what we do well--and I am pleased to say that we are doing a lot of things right. The credit belongs to our staff who provide individual attention and in general, care about students! Even though our physical footprint is much bigger than Vantage has been in the past, we strive for--and have maintained--a small school atmosphere. It is my belief that daily connections with students, from all staff, help students feel at home here and find their strengths.

During this first week of school, I would like to thank the parents in our community for supporting Vantage by sending us your students--we pledge to do the best job possible in educating your teenager.

Looking forward to the 2013-14 school year! Today Matters, more than ever.