

Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

If I don't get this written in record time, I may as well change the title of this blog to Christmas Eve, as in about 30 minutes it will be December 24!
Vantage had its third calamity day on December 22, and I am certain it won't be our last one for this winter. While it was a somewhat short week, some important things were accomplished which should be noted here before the holidays begin.
Vantage Skills USA officers headed up fundraising efforts to donate to both the Paulding county and Van Wert county Toys for Tots programs. The students did a great job, with their efforts resulting in donations of $493 to each county's program! Opportunities to help others, especially during this time of the year, surround us. The junior Health Technology students adopted a family for Christmas and purchased special gifts for them to make their Christmas brighter. Each year during the month of December, several staff members at Vantage take part in the Santa Sister event. This year a food drive option was offered and several participants chose to donate a canned or boxed food item instead of giving a small daily gift to their "sister". The event is fun and brings out the best in all of us, but it feels particularly good to know that our group was able to donate the collected items to the "Circle of Friends" Cooperative Parrish Food Pantry. Four churches in Continental and the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Ottoville make this food pantry successful. There are many more acts of giving that are led by Vantage staff and students throughout the year--too numerous to mention individually, but collectively their caring efforts make quite an impact on people in several communities.Thanks to our staff members for initiating these efforts and working with students to foster their participation in such valuable community service activities.
Enjoy the holiday season and Merry Christmas!